NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 13

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei Chapter end exercises and additional exercises in PDF form. Sols of other subjects please Click Here. Questions based on numerical are generally asked from this chapter in CBSE Exams. That is why, some numerical with answers are given below for practice.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 13

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 13

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Download NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei in PDF format with the links given below.

Practice Questions with Numerical Problems on Nuclei

Following questions are providing a good practice on Nuclei chapter. It includes the questions, frequently asked in CBSE exams, JEE mains or NEET exams. It is a medium of good practice of this chapter. Question number 56 to 118 are given below. To see the question number 1 to 55, please Click Here.

Constitution of Nucleus

Atomic mass and the components of nucleus – proton and neutron. Atomic mass, relation of atomic mass, mass of neutron and mass of protons. Mass defect and numerical based on mass defect. Concepts of Isobars, Isotopes, Isotones (The nuclei for which the neutron number (N = A – Z) is same are called isotones.) and Isomers. Electrostatic and nuclear forces and relations of binding energy with mass defect. See Answers.

Numerical problems on chapter 13 nuclei

12 Physics Chapter 13 nuclei extra questions

Questions for NEET and jee mains on nuclei


Natural phenomena of radioactivity, law of radio active decay, Becquerel as a unit of rate of radioactivity. Alpha, beta and gamma decay and constitution of daughter nuclei. Nuclear reactors – Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. When two proper light nuclei are fused at a very high temperature to form a heavy nucleus,
enormous energy is produced, such process is called thermonuclear fusion. See Answers.

Questions on nuclei for practice 12 Physics

13 Physics ch.13 nuclei practice questions with answers.

Activity: Radioactive Constant

If N is the original quantity of any radioactive substance, then dN/dt is called the rate of disintegration or the decay rate or activity (I) of that element at time t. Activity means the number of nuclei decaying per unit time. 1 disintegration oceur in one second, then activity of body is called 1 Becquerel. 1 Bq = 1 disintegration / sec. Half life and mean life of a radioactive substance and the relation between them. See Answers.

12 Physics Chapter 13 questions for practice with solutions

12 Phy. Ch. 13 Solutions of extra exercises questions

13 Physics important questions on nuclei with answers.


56 (C), 57 (C), 58 (B), 59 (D), 60 (B), 61 (B), 62 (C), 63 (D), 64 (C), 65 (C), 66 (D), 67 (A), 68 (D), 69 (A), 70 (D), 71 (C), 72 (D), 73 (A), 74 (C), 75 (B), 76 (C), 77 (A), 78 (B), 79 (A), 80 (C), 81 (A), 82 (B), 83 (B), 84 (C), 85 (C), 86 (B), 87 (A), 88 (A), 89 (C), 90 (B), 91 (A), 92 (C), 93 (C), 94 (A), 95 (A), 96 (C), 97 (C), 98 (D), 99 (D), 100 (A), 101 (B), 102 (C), 103 (D), 104 (D), 105 (D), 106 (D), 107 (A), 108 (D), 109 (B), 110 (C), 111 (C), 112 (A), 113 (C), 114 (D), 115 (C), 116 (C), 117 (C), 118 (A).

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