NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science – Download in PDF

Download NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science of 2021 – 2022 English medium and Hindi Medium. NCERT Solutions for all subjects in order to get good marks in CBSE board exams. There will be full syllabus exams for class 10 from the academic year 2019 onward. The annual examination will be of 80 marks and 20 marks weightage shall be for internal assessment. The complete solutions of every chapter, including the answers of the questions given in between the chapters, is given below to download free. NCERT books and a revision book (based on NCERT Syllabus) will add up the comfort in case of online study. Also download solutions for Maths and Hindi.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science

Download – NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science

Chapter 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations

This chapter covers balancing of a chemical reaction, types of chemical reactions like Combination  reactions, Decomposition reactions, Displacement reactions, Double displacement reactions and Redox reactions ( Oxidation and Reduction reactions). Meaning of Precipitation and Neutralization reactions.

Chapter 2: Acids, Bases and Salts

Definitions of Acid and Bases in terms of H+ and OH- ions, Meaning, examples, uses (without using log table) and importance in daily life of pH scale. Preparation and uses of some important chemicals in day to day life as Sodium Hydroxide, Bleaching Powder, Baking Soda (calcium hydrogen carbonate), Washing Soda (calcium carbonate) and Plaster of Paris.

Chapter 3: Metals and Non – Metals

Physical and Chemical properties of metal and non-metals, Reactivity series and its importance in chemical reaction. Formation of simple ionic compounds like NaCl, Magnesium Chloride, etc. and its properties (Boiling point, Melting point, Solubility and reactivity) on the basis of the bond. Definition of corrosion and its prevention.

Chapter 4: Carbon and its Compounds

Carbon compounds having covalent bonding, versatile nature of carbon to form large number of compounds. Homologous series, nomenclature of carbon compounds having functional groups – Halogens, Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Alcohol, Ketones and Aldehydes. Chemical properties of hydrocarbons, saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, properties and uses of Ethanol and Ethanoic acid. Difference between soaps and detergents.

Chapter 5: Periodic Classification of Elements

Why we need to classify the elements? Series of attempts made by scientists – Deboreiner’s Triads, Newland’s Law of Octaves, Mendeleev’s Periodic table and Henry Mosley – Modern Periodic table. Changing in properties of elements in moving left to right, top to bottom, valency, atomic number, metallic or non-metallic properties.

Chapter 6: Life Processes

Elementary symptoms of a living or non-living objects. Different sources of energy and their needs in living organisms depending on their body design.  Basic concepts of Nutrition, Respiration, Transportation and Excretion in living being (Plants and Animals).

Chapter 7: Control and Coordination

Response to stimuli by plants – Phototropism, Geo-tropism, Chemo-tropism, etc., Plant hormones – Auxin, Gibberellins, Cytokinins and Abscisic acid. Control and coordination in Plant and Animals (Nervous system, Voluntary and involuntary actions, reflex arc and reflex action, Chemical coordination in animal – Animal Hormones – Growth hormones, Insulin, Thyroxin, etc.

Chapter 8: How do Organisms Reproduce?

Reproduction in plants and animals – Asexual and Sexual. Different methods in plants – Binary & Multiple Fission, Regeneration, Budding, Spore formation and Vegetative propagation. Reproductive health and methods of family planning – Barrier, Surgical and Chemical Methods. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) – HIV/AIDS, Syphilis, Warts, etc.

Chapter 9: Heredity and Evolution

Meaning of Heredity & Evolution, Mendel’s Experiment – Laws of inheritance of traits. Sex determination in human being and other animals. Inherited and Acquired traits, Concepts of evolution – Species evolution, Changes in traits, determination of age of fossils.

Chapter 10: Light – Reflection and Refraction

Reflection of light by Convex/Concave mirror/lens. Image formation by spherical mirrors/lens. Uses of spherical mirror and lens. Definition of Centre of curvature, principal axis, focus, focal length and magnification. Laws of reflection and refraction – Snell’s law. Mirror and lens formula and numerical based on it.

Chapter 11: Human Eye and Colourful World

Structure and functions of eye lens in human, function of Iris, Pupil, Crystalline lens, Ciliary muscles, cornea, retina. Defects of eye (Myopia, Hypermetropia and Presbyopia) and their corrections. Applications of spherical mirrors. Dispersion of light, Refraction of light through a prism, scattering of light by atmosphere and applications of scattering in daily life.

Chapter 12: Electricity

Flow of Charges, Electric current and Potential difference. Ohm’s law (V = IR), Resistance and resistivity of a conductor, Factor affecting the resistance of a conductor. Total resistance in series and parallel. Advantages of connecting circuits in parallel as compared to series. Applications of heating effects of current in daily life. Electric power, Calculation of electric bill in kwh (commercial units) and use of different relations of P, V, I and R.

Chapter 13: Magnetic Effect of Electric Current

Magnetic field due to current carrying conductor, magnetic field line of bar magnet and solenoids. Force on current carrying conductor and its direction according to Fleming’s Left Hand Rule, Electric motor and generator. Induced potential difference due to electromagnetic inductions and induced current. Direction of current according to Fleming’s Right Hand Rule, Difference between direct and alternative current. advantages and frequency of AC over DC and domestic circuits.

Chapter 14: Sources of Energy

Different forms of energy – Wind, Flowing water, Tidal, Ocean Thermal, Solar, Thermal power plant. Conventional and non-conventional sources, Renewable and non-renewable source of energy. Nuclear energy – Its advantages and hazards.

Chapter 15: Our Environment

Eco-System – Biotic and Abiotic components of ecosystem. Environment problems about Ozone layer depletion, waste product management. Difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances.

Chapter 16: Management of Natural Resources

Conservation of natural resources – Forest, Fossil fuel (Coal and Petroleum), water, etc. Advantages/disadvantages of construction of dam. Water harvesting and its traditional method in different states of India. Chipko movement to protect Khejri trees.

Design of Question Papers for 2020 – 2021

  • Question paper will consist of 27 questions.
  • All questions would be compulsory. An internal choice will be provided in two questions of 3 marks each and one question of five marks.
  • One question of 3 marks will be included to assess the values inherent in the texts.

Conclusion – Science

The subject of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science plays an important role in developing abilities in cognitive and effective in children. Science is to understand not to learn. It augments the spirit of inquiry, creativity, objectivity and aesthetic sensibility. All most all the chapters are based on daily life so you should relate the thing with common activities, our environment, surrounding, Natural Phenomenon, Natural Resources and our body etc. For example the biology chapter provides a complete view of our body parts & their functions, hormones and their effects on the organs, traits from one generation to another generation and evolution of living being and human also. All these topic are arranged in such a way that they provide a curiosity about all the things.